Accueil / Why Providence? / Entering high school like a PRO
Aimed at ensuring a successful transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9, the Accès-Succès transition program will give all participating students a head start this year by offering three course options that each focus on different interests and goals:
2024 Registrations
Hurry! Spaces are limited.
FROM APRIL 22 TO MAY 24, 2024
By the time they enter secondary school, students will already have earned an optional
credit toward their secondary school diploma!
A first credit
At the end of the course, students who meet the required expectations will obtain a first optional credit that will count toward their secondary school diploma. The GLS1O credit course “Stratégies d’apprentissage pour réussir à l’école secondaire” equates to 110 hours of work.

Three stimulating and rewarding paths to a single destination
Through fun hands-on activities and projects, the three program courses touch on a wide range of strategies for learning that will help students learn independently. Students will receive instruction on:
- studying for final summative assessments;
- taking notes;
- managing their time;
- requesting services or support;
- organizing.
Students will work to develop and use their skills in literacy and numeracy, their people skills and ability to cooperate as well as their organizational skills and work habits to support their learning at school, at work and in their community. The classes also leverage students’ ability to self-evaluate their strengths, aptitudes and skills in preparation for high school: all necessary tools for success.

With a focus on developing personal leadership and building identity, this original Accès-Succès path gives students a chance to define themselves and recognize themselves through their unique thought processes, actions and volition within their social contexts and environments. They will learn about significant events, key figures and important sites related to la Francophonie and francophone identity.

To help students establish solid foundations, this course is focused on improving core literacy and numeracy skills. These skills will help the student succeed in the Ontario Assessment of Mathematics,in Grade 9, and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), in Grade 10.

Social adjustment
The Accès-Succès transition courses are designed to ensure a smoother social and academic adjustment. In addition to offering a range of activities to develop self-esteem and enhance well-being, the program gives students an opportunity to learn about their future secondary school.
They will also meet other young people who will be starting at the same school in September.
This can help them feel confident and comfortable from day one!
The highest success rate in the province
Did you know? Csc Providence boasts the highest graduation rate of all 72 English and French school boards in Ontario. Additionally, studying at a French-language Catholic secondary school is the best way to achieve high-level proficiency in both French and English because those are the years in which elementary-school knowledge is consolidated. Being bilingual means access to more grants for post-secondary studies, more work options and a greater ease of learning throughout life.
- The course will be offered in person, at the secondary school in which the student is enrolled for September.
- Course attendance is mandatory; classes cannot be skipped.
- Students must be registered at one of the seven Csc Providence Catholic secondary schools. The credit is awarded in September, when the student starts Grade 9, in a Csc Providence school.
2024 Course details
- Dates and times: July 3 to July 24 – Monday through Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Registration: There is no registration fee, the course is offered for free!
- Transportation: Transportation service at designated pick-up points is offered for free for the duration of the course.
- Participating secondary schools:
- Ésc St-Dominique-Savio
- Ésc Notre-Dame
- Ésc de Pain Court
- Ésc l’Essor
- Ésc E.J. Lajeunesse
For more information, please contact Jeannine Pellerin, Summer school principal, at 519-946-0207,
or by email at