Given our wish to always offer as many opportunities as possible for solidarity and sharing within the community, in collaboration with community services, we provide reception and integration services for students recently arrived in Canada, and their families.
Services available:
- Individual meetings with students and their families
- Orientation of students and their parents, to allow them to adapt to the Ontario school system and life in Canada
- Information workshops for parents and guardians
- Training sessions for school staff
- Help with cultural interpretation for parents and school staff
- Referrals for newly arrived families to the various settlement services existing in the community.
PANA – Programmes d’appui aux nouveaux arrivants (Support services for new arrivals)
This program is designed to support newly arrived students in their school success. PANA allows students to familiarize themselves with the French-language teaching system in Ontario, their new socio-cultural setting, and, if needed, to benefit from upgrading in the various subjects in the curriculum.
PANA offers four courses that correspond to various literacy competency levels, rather than to grade level. The courses relate to the following subjects: oral communication, reading, writing and introduction to Canadian society.
Students using the PANA program can apply up to three of the total of four obligatory French credits needed to obtain a diploma. They must obtain one credit in French at the level of Grade 12, in addition to passing the TPCL (OSSLT).
Pivot school
The objective of this program is to better welcome and integrate newly arrived francophone students into French-language schools, while developing and consolidating partnership and cooperation among stakeholders in the French-language education system.
French-language Catholic schools seek to be pivotal in communities, where people can get together, not only to learn, but also to participate in various activities organized by community groups. The creation of pivot schools provides a “one-stop shop” for services and a place where newly arrived parents and francophone immigrants can meet and network.
These new services offered to the community promote parent involvement to ensure the school success of their children and the successful establishment of these families in the community.